Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2010 Recap & New Years

As I have said many many times in my blog, 2010 was a fabulous year for me. There were a lot of low points and the economy could have been better, but overall I think 2010 was my favorite year thus far...and here is why.

  1. I graduated from George Mason University with a BA in Government & International Politics, a minor in Public Policy & Management.
  2. I took my first out of country trip (it was my home for 4 months, not technically a trip), and first trip to Africa. I visited 3 countries while I was there: Rwanda, Uganda, & Burundi
  3. I went on my first safari. I did this while in Rwanda at Akagera National Park. I saw buffalo, antelope, zebras, hippos, crocodiles, baboons, monkeys, cranes, and many other mysterious creatures.
  4. I went whitewater rafting for the first time... on THE NILE! What an experience!
  5. I trekked through the Volcanoes National Park in northern Rwanda and spent 1 hour with gorillas in the wild, including a 700 lb. silverback gorilla and 20 + other gorillas. 
  6. I took my first bucket shower (cold water might I add), and proceeded to do so for the whole 4 months I was in Rwanda. Never knew such simple luxuries such as a shower or warm water would mean so much to me. 
  7. "Adopted" two kids in Rwanda, a boy and a girl. The girl is Clementine and the boy is Sam. I pay my co-worker Julius, who runs an organization called Help Life Rwanda, who uses the money to pay their school fees and also pay for their expenses while at school. It's pricey, but I am blessed to be making a difference in their lives. I love them.
  8. I went with my siblings to a family reunion in Hurricane, Utah, and while out there visited my dad, half-sister, and half-brother in Las Vegas. We hiked in Snow Canyon and Zions, went rock climbing, and spent time at my grandparents house in Hurricane and aunt/uncles log cabin near Zions.
  9. I planned a wedding... enough said. That is probably the most time-consuming task of 2010 and I should be proud for the work I put in!
  10. I got endowed on August 7th as did Andrew. Because he did not serve a mission, we had the privilege of sharing this experience for the first time together.
  11. I got sealed in the Washington DC temple on August 14th to the love of my life Andrew.
  12. Andrew and I had a killer wedding reception with friends and family. The venue (Bristow Manor), the service, the decorum, DJ, everything was just so perfect. Every single one of my friends that I invited attended. I was blessed to have such a wonderful wedding day.
  13. I took my 2nd out of country trip, but this time to Montego Bay, Jamaica for our honeymoon. We stayed at a high-end and new resort called Secrets Wild Orchid. We had a wonderful time relaxing on the beach, especially after all that wedding planning.
  14. We moved to Alexandria, Virginia. We got an apartment together, bought all new furniture, and pay rent as a couple.
  15. I got a job.. finally! Even though I am getting paid hourly, I'll take what I can get in this economy.
  16. I got into graduate school! This was the biggest relief to me because I had only applied to one program and one school. I was going to wait to apply to more schools for the fall term. Fortunately I was accepted to George Mason and I will be pursuing a Masters of Science in Conflict Analysis & Resolution.
  17. I got my first church calling. Andrew and I were called to be on the activities committee in our ward.
  18. We were released from our first calling because the activities committee was dissolved. We are now serving our second calling on the New Member Fellowship Committee.
I think that's enough firsts for us for awhile . I kept telling everyone that the only thing missing from this year was a baby! But don't worry, that won't be for a long time. Actually, I just thought about that and technically I do have "kids" because I "adopted" two in Rwanda (pay their school fees)

For New Years Eve we hung out with a bunch of couples from our ward. We played games and ate food. It was a lot of fun. We were in the middle of a tied up Catch Phrase game when we had to leave in order to get back to Fairfax before midnight. We rushed over to Fairfax and arrived at 11:52 PM. We got in our New Years kiss and spent the rest of the night with Matt, Brett, Mesia, and some other family friends. Since it was Matt's (Andrew's brother) last night in the area, we didn't want to miss spending time with him. We ended up spending the night over there and headed home in the morning. New Years Day we ran errands, took down the Christmas decorations, cut up and disposed of our Christmas tree, and relaxed. A little Mario and Donkey Kong on the wii was probably included in there somewhere too. :)

As for New Years resolutions, I never make them. I don't like it when people set their standards so high and then it is just that much more depressing and disappointing when you screw up and/or don't reach your goal. However, there are a few things that I would like to focus on more this year, and that I know will make me happier in the end.

  • Reading my scriptures more often. We had a lesson on Sunday in church about this and it really got me thinking. I don't read my scriptures daily and I tend to do other things, like watch TV or play wii, that take away precious time that I could use to read the scriptures.
  • Say daily prayers and fast every fast Sunday. A lot of times I forget both of these things. Because I have been out of the habit of doing it, it is hard for me to remember. This is something I need to work on.
  • Writing in my journal. There were times in my life when I was really good at this. Even if I blog, that would be better than nothing.
  • Visiting the temple. It's sad to say, but we've only been back to the temple once since we got married, and that was for our friends sealing. I keep telling Andrew that we live so close and are so privileged that we HAVE to take time out to visit the temple. It will only strengthen our testimonies and give us blessings.
  • Participate in charity work once a month.First I need to find one that suits us as a couple.
  • Have the missionaries over more often. We have them coming over this Friday, so that's a start.
  • Expand my knowledge. I've been meaning to learn how to make pottery, play the banjo, and expand my current knowledge of African dance. I also want to, and need to, learn French and more Kinyarwanda.
  • Write my "kids"-- the two Rwandan children that I pay school fees for-- more often.
  • Get on a good workout plan. I really should kick my butt into shape and start this p90x plan for good. This means eating better, drinking water only, and sticking to a routine.
  • Get a better job...salary & benefits. Anyone know of anything?
  • Be a better wife. I'm not saying I'm a bad wife or anything, but we can always put more time and energy into the ones we love. I'm still new at this whole marriage thing.
There you have it. I hope that by the end of 2011 I will have accomplished some of these goals. We shall see.

Our honeymoon

Sealing at the DC Temple

Endowment at the DC Temple

My bridal shower (pictured with my sister Aubrey)

Hiking in Utah

With my sisters Mariah & Aubrey hiking at a family reunion

Me rock climbing in Utah

At Red Rock Canyon hiking with my sisters in Nevada

Our new apartment complex!

Me in Rwanda chillin with a 700 lb silverback gorilla

One of the most amazing people in my life.. my friend Taima from Rwanda

On Saga Beach in Burundi (Africa)

Unprofessional engagement photos

In love

So glad my whole family was there


    1. Great post! You did have an incredible year. Mark and I are so jealous of your safari experience. I'm sure there will be lots more things to come in 2011!

    2. Wow! 2010 was a great year for you and Andrew!! I am sure 2011 will be even better:) Good luck with everything!

    3. Oh my gosh you guys have been REALLY busy! Love your pictures though!
